Fox Hollow - Natural Playground
PTA Legacy project
Project Complete!
The natural playground has always been a beacon of HOPE. When the PTA board started discussing it three years ago we hoped it would be a place for a different type of play that included imaginative play along with physical play. We wanted a space to inspire exploration and movement by all grade levels along with the community.
When covid hit, that hope grew. It grew into hope for a bright future together. Something students could look forward to when they are able to safely return back to in person school. Hope for times laughing together, playing together, going around the parkour circuit together, playing hot lava on the stumps and logs together, and sitting on a plank chatting to a friend.
Building the natural playground has been a lot of volunteer hours by some generous and kind people. With every shovel of dirt, every wheelbarrow of gravel and every rake of bark we kept in mind all the future smiles of Fox students who would love playing on this new addition! We hope this legacy project will continue to be a place enjoyed by students, families, and the community for many years to come. We hope when you see the new addition it fills you with hope too, hope for the future and excitement for fun times together!
We want to thank the many people who helped dream, plan, build, and volunteer to make this happen! This has been an amazing group collaboration and community effort! We appreciate the support from students and families who helped fill out dream building surveys, students and SLT for design collaboration, participation in PTA fundraisers, generous natural playground donations, PTA Board Members past and present for extended meetings and planning, Fox teachers and staff for their support and input, PTA members for voting and approving budgets, businesses for their donations and work, volunteer for giving their time so graciously and the Camas School District for their guidance and time.
Thank you to the many people who helped with this PTA legacy project:
Dorothy Fox PTA
PTA Natural Playground Team
Dorothy Fox PTA Board Members (Past and Present)
Dorothy Fox PTA Members
Installation Volunteers
Allison Abernethy
Trisha Golding & Shawn Golding
Tammy Speer
Krysti Araque
Kary Wilson
Brian Downum
Ed Gill
Dr. Sork
Mr. Baxter
Dorothy Fox Elementary
Dr. Sork
Mr. Baxter
Mrs. Ruse
Tim Emerson
Katrina Bergeson
Fox Teachers & Staff
Fox Students and Student Leadership Team (SLT)
Fox Parents & Families
Fox Playground Fundraising Donors
Camas School District Staff
Heidi Rosenberg
Jessica Beehner
Jasen McEathron
Joe Voogt
Bonnie Murdock
Eric Wride - Western States Park and Recreation/Kompan & Buell Recreation
Trent Connor - Buell Recreation
ERS - Excavation Rental Services
Nutter Corporation - Excavation Services
Paul McGrue - Logs & Stumps
Jane Kleiner - Nature + Play Designs
Malarkey Family - Boat addition coming soon
Steve Gehlhausen - CAD Design
Schnitzer Steel Volunteers
The natural playground is coming along! The Parkour playground equipment has been installed! Next step is adding in the logs and stumps! The goal is to have the project finished this month, as a reminder the playground is currently closed.
This amazing PTA Legacy Project will be enjoyed for many years to come!
It has also been in the works for many years, with lots of people contributing along the way. We would like to thank all the PTA Board Members and PTA Members from the past few years who voted "yes" on this project and who made steps towards it success! Thank you to Fox SLT and Fox students who helped in early planning and voting. Thank you to Fox parents and staff for their continued support and donations to make this happen!
Thank you to the volunteers, Fox PTA and Fox staff, Camas School District staff, and many others, who have graciously given their time to help install the natural playground, offered their talented skills, assisted with planning and permitting! We appreciate you! Many hours have gone into this so Fox students can come back to school with an exciting playground addition! We will have more details coming soon.
Shout out to last week's onsite volunteers!
Fox parents: Allison Abernethy, Trisha & Shawn Golding, Tammy Speer, Krysti Araque, Kary Wilson, and Brian Downum.
Fox staff: Dr. Sork and Mr Baxter. Along with our wonderful custodians Mr. Tim and Katrina Bergeson!
-Thank you to those who offered to help out, but were unable to due to other obligations or scheduling. Your kind offers of support are greatly appreciated!