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Art for the Sky 2019

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Art for the Sky 2019


Art for the Sky was brought to Dorothy Fox as a part of our Arts Programs, which is funded through the annual Run for the Arts Fundraising Event! Thank you to everyone for the donations to Run for the Arts, making this exciting art experience possible.


What is Sky Art? 
From Daniel Dancer/Art for the Sky: 
“Art for the Sky is a unique, team building activity for schools and special events that helps dissolve boundaries that often exist in our daily lives. These enchanting creations are an artful blend of science, history and math: a whole-body way of stimulating our imagination to see the elusive "big picture" and help us better understand our interconnection with all life.”

Sky Fox


What an amazing experience at Fox!

A three day art project to create a Sky Fox, which included every student and staff! A living work of art created with everyone coming together!


This whole project was special from day one when students were presented with the aspects of Sky Art during an all school assembly.  They learned about the Earth and their role in taking care of it.  They also learned more about collaboration and coming together to make something with everyone's help.


On day two, students came together in specific colored shirts.  They filled the outline of the Sky Fox, which Student Leadership Team (SLT) members made with bark chips.  All the students were so kind to each other in such a small space and stayed in their spot becoming a pixel of the big art image.


On day three, students attended an assembly to watch a slideshow where the Sky Fox image was revealed. They were very excited and amazed! It was a joy to see art in this form with a wonderful meaning and message behind it!

Art for the Sky: Dorothy Fox Sky Fox

Art for the Sky: Dorothy Fox Sky Fox

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